Friday, 27 July 2012

Promises, promises...

I was watching Mike and Molly the other day and there was this scene that really caught my attention. In short she says that she doesn't want to tell Mike that she wants to be with him 'forever' because she doesn't want to make promises she may not be able to keep... And then he says:

"There's nothing wrong with making promises you want to keep"

Many a time I have found myself in this situation. Preventing myself from making promises about a future I am not completely certain of... And yet, I seem to fail to notice the irony in that statement - there is no way I can be certain of anything in the future!
Still, does not keeping a promise like 'I will be with you forever' undermine its value? I'd say no.

Looking back to all the promises I've made (or been made), they made me happy at the time and were very real.

Even with the ups and downs, with some stories whose endings could've been much better, I think that I would still go through it all again. 'Forever' is only the moment when you feel it - expecting anything else from it is very unreal.

In the end, promises are words that express what one desires... Of course, I am talking about these platonic promises that can in no way be kept and, rather, are symbolic representations of what one's feelings are. Promises like 'I'll see you tomorrow at 5' are more about committing and a whole other story.

Telling someone you want to be with them till the end is proof of love. Don't be afraid to do it. If it doesn't work out, it just didn't and there will be reasons for it; however, you will still have lived that eternal love even if for a moment.

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