Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Playing the game

Dude: "So, did you have a good time?"
Me: "No, not really. We don't seem to have much in common. But thanks! Good luck!"

Seriously, after alternating between staring blankly into space and one-syllable semi-dialogues, it's kind of obvious, isn't it? And, in my mind, I'm thinking he must have been feeling the same way; and yet, they feel like I'm too rough.

But isn't that nicer than an 'oh, sure, I'll call you!" and then deleting their info from your cell?

I think the opposite is also true, when you go out with someone you really like, there's nothing wrong with calling the next day. Some people have told me it's best to wait and 'play it cool'... Well, while it IS fun every now and then, I don't really see the point of these odd social interaction rules.

There's another unspoken rule I find rather off-putting: beating around the bush instead of saying what you want. I mean, I am not saying I like having a chat window open with tasteless sexual offers (also, there's nothing wrong with being horny AND civilized!) but the whole "I want to be friends" when your profile pic shows your bare ass is not very convincing, is it?

I guess I never really learned to play the game. I have seen how being a bastard makes people be more attracted to you... I have been on both sides. But I find it such a waste of time! When you find someone that awakens that little light in your heart and stirs your insides, why not let them know? 

Oh, wait, I know! "I'm afraid I'll get hurt" or "what if he uses that against me?"... Well, I say "so, what?" You're going to be anxious and obsessing over it anyway, right? It's not like you can just turn your feelings off. Instead you're stuck in the same place feeling uneasy and, perhaps, hurting yourself with stupid ideas. Why not just take the chance and the risk? 

I know many people who prefer to live on the safe side. Not getting too involved, superficially dating people getting as little as possible to satisfy their need for closeness without risking being hurt. Living anesthetised, unable to feel. 

Very recently, I fell in love. Hard. With someone with whom, I knew, I couldn't have a lasting relationship; and yet, I prefer to live a month, or a week, deeply in love, intensely, letting it fill my whole being. True, the price for such a heavenly feeling is, of course, equivalent. Whatever you get in life, I think, you need to pay for. If you want to live blissful love, you need to work and pay accordingly - emotionally speaking. Is it rough? Does it hurt? Do you feel like you're dying inside when it's over? Yes. Is it worth it? I believe so. When I say that I lived a week being happy as I have ever been, isn't it logical that losing it would give me an unhappiness equally as strong? 

One cannot expect to find a love to die for by offering only what is safe to give. You get what you pay for, no more and, of course, no less.

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